Shots Heard Around the World

Shots Heard Around the World
Music of today! Passion of Tomorrow!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Saturday thoughts

Good morning my world! I hope that this blog post finds each and everyone of you in good spirits and faith. I'm really excited to announce a new addition to the Glock Production family - ONEoak! This is a well established group out of Toronto Canada. We will be blessed with their presence on July 11th at the Open Mic in Barstow as well as many other shows that are scheduled around the country. You can read all about ONEoak in their profile that is now up and active on our official site and even give a shout out to them as well. If you have not had the chance to listen to their latest release entitled "Immaculate PT 2", you are missing out. It's available everyone (iTunes, etc). You can also hear previews of the album on our official site, our radio station, and our myspace as well as their myspace and official site.

I've been blasting for the last couple of weeks about our radio station that is now up and active. I hope you all have had a chance to add it to your favorite, bookmark the page, and even spread the word. I need your help to keep HIP HOP ALIVE! We are now accepting tracks from other artists in the industry as well who also are in need of air play, so if you know anyone who would like their tracks in rotation on our station, have them hit me up at Send me the track(s), track info, bio, and album art and I will definitely get it up.

There are a lot of things stirring in the wind for upcoming events. I dont want to leave you guessing but here is a taste of the ones coming so far in July. Keep checking for info and locations for the upcoming months. Tickets as always, can be purchased online or at the door. For information, contact me, Andrea @ 760 282-5080. Now, for your looking pleasure, check out the flyer for the event on the 24th of June at the Pharaoh's Den in Riverside, Ca. If you are in the area, come on out and show your support and respect for 24/7 Recording Artist Bididie Buggz, J Money, Big Train and Hawk! Tickets are $8 which includes the $5 membership fee for the club. For more information hit me up! I am so proud of these guys and you will be too.

Many people are asking about the Tour to Greece. I have been doing everything in my power to make this tour happen on schedule, but due to the forces of nature working against me, and in order to stay sane I have reluctantly moved the date back. The tour will still take place however it will be at a later date. But all hope is not lost. You will still be able to enjoy the music of these guys (and gals) but a little closer to home! I am truly sorry for any inconvenience that anyone has but suffered but anyone who is experienced and knows this industry, things happen and dates have to be changed. I will let you all know when the dates will be. So far, this is the only trip that has to be re-arranged.

Ok, one last flyer I'm going to throw at ya, and it's for the July 11th event at Shooters Nite Club in Barstow. The Open Mic should be an exciting event. However there are rules and regulations. PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED FOR ALL WHO WANT TO PARTICIPATE. No exceptions. Registration fee is $15, ladies are free for the evening, but gents, sorry, you have to give up $5 to socialize with all the fine ladies that evening. This show should be off the hook. Not only are there going to be cash prizes for the winner and runner up, but both the winner and runner up will be automatically entered into the next competition without any registration fee needed and their tracks will be placed on our next Mixed CD that will be released in August!

Well, that's enough news for now...i'll check yall later! Chow and as always



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